Some convertible laptop users have been looking for ways to run Android on their devices. Fortunately, Intel has unveiled a plan to release Android 4.2.2 build optimized on Intel-based hardware, more importantly, it will run under a dual-system alongside Windows 8 OS. However, the build is aimed for developers and enthusiasts, which include a number of new features. New code added is developed on the Linux 3.8 and it includes an interactive installer.

Companies like Asus will thank Intel for the announced innovation, especially as the Taiwanese company will be launching the Transformer AiO soon. Intel will use the UEFI platform instead of BIOS and the company says that the system is not polished yet. As the release is still in pre-alpha stage, there a lot of things to be done before we see a stable implementation on Intel-based laptops. Once Intel manages to remove the roughness around the edges, it should be relatively easy for laptop makers to pop Jelly Bean (Android 4.2.2) or above into their convertible models.

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