Windows 7 Laptops - Windows 8 HybridsMany would agree that the Windows 7 is a proven and solid operating system. Like the windows XP, it has grown into something that people would easily love. Like many Windows XP users, they would refuse to upgrade without a really compelling reason. Many Windows 7 laptop users are now wondering whether Windows 8 touch-capable hybrids make a strong case for upgrading.

It should be noted that hybrids often have ultra thin chassis, which negatively impacts key travel. Few users want to trade thinness for unsolvable discomfort. Some hybrids also have fairly larger keyboard, but they typically have much less key travel than many of us would prefer.

Hybrids are typically as large as small laptops and there’s not enough room for users to rest their palm. Before buying, users of Windows 7 laptops should really take out a Windows 8 hybrid for a spin. But often they find that it’s a better to hold on to their laptop, as many hybrid models are less than adequate to work as a primary notebook.

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