Notebooks with full HD panels are so. Today, we already have a handful of models with resolution higher than 1080p, including Toshiba Kirabook, Google Chromebook Pixel and Retina MacBook Pro. Now, Sharp says that it seeks to take everything up by a notch with the upcoming release of IGZO displays, designed for laptops.

Compared to standard LCD displays, IGZO panels are more efficient and it is much easier for manufacturers to squeeze more pixels on the display. Sharp will soon mass produce three IGZO display models, 11.6” (2560 x 1440) screen at 253ppi, 14” (3200 x 1800) screen at 262ppi and 15.6” (3200 x 1800) screen at 235ppi.

Unfortunately, high resolution display is a mixed blessing for Windows OS users. While it’s nice to watch multimedia content on these displays, running typical desktop software can be another story. Many do not support very high resolution, resulting in text that looks incredibly small.

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